How vulnerable are high-income countries to the covid-19 pandemic? An MCDM approach


  • Sevgi Eda Tuzcu Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Ankara, Turkey
  • Serap Pelin Türkoğlu Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Şereflikoçhisar Berat Cömertoğlu Vocational School, Department of Management and Organization, Ankara, Turkey



High–Income Countries, MCDM, Entropy Method, PIV Method, Covid-19 Pandemic.


This paper tries to determine the most vulnerable points of high–income countries during the Covid-19 pandemic in an MCDM setting. For this aim, we use the entropy method to obtain criteria weights and the PIV method for the comparisons. We employ a wide range of criteria that account for political, demographic, capacity, and Covid-19 indicators including vaccination. Our sample consists of 40 HICs. The results reveal that countries with less equitable healthcare systems and with more vaccine hesitancy are more vulnerable to Covid-19. Hospital bed capacity, a strict government policy, and a lower percentage of the population who smoke add to the success of countries in this combat. We compare our findings with SAW and MAUT techniques as well and obtain very similar rankings. Therefore, we conclude that the PIV method can be used for national performance evaluations with a reduced rank reversal problem and computational simplicity.


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How to Cite

Tuzcu, S. E., & Türkoğlu, S. P. (2022). How vulnerable are high-income countries to the covid-19 pandemic? An MCDM approach. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 5(2), 372–395.