Selecting features by utilizing intuitionistic fuzzy Entropy method
Intuitionistic fuzzy set, entropy, feature selection, classifier accuracyAbstract
Feature selection is the most significant pre-processing activity, which intends to reduce the data dimensionality for enhancing the machine learning process. The evaluation of feature selection must consider classification, performance, efficiency, stability, and many factors. Nowadays, uncertainty is commonly occurred in the feature selection process due to time limitations, imprecise information, and the subjectivity of human minds. Moreover, the theory of intuitionistic fuzzy set has been proven as an extremely valuable tool to tackle the uncertainty and ambiguity that arises in many practical situations. Thus, this study introduces a novel feature selection framework using intuitionistic fuzzy entropy. In this regard, new entropy for IFS is proposed first and then compared with some of the previously developed entropy measures. As entropy is a measure of uncertainty present in data (features), features with higher entropy values are filtered out, and the remaining features having lower entropy values have been used to classify the data. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed entropy-based feature selection, some experiments are done with ten standard benchmark datasets by employing a support vector machine, K-nearest neighbor, and Naïve Bias classifiers. The outcomes of the study validate that the proposed entropy-based filter feature selection is more feasible and impressive than existing filter-based feature selection methods.
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