The m-polar fuzzy set ELECTRE-I with revised Simos’ and AHP weight calculation methods for selection of non-traditional machining processes
M-polar, ELECTRE-I, AHP, TOPSIS, Simos’.Abstract
Using improvements to the recently published m-polar fuzzy set (mFS) elimination and choice translating reality-I (ELECTRE-I) approach for calculating criteria weights, the selection of a Non-Traditional Machining (NTM) process problem from the industry is solved in this research. The criteria weights for the m-polar fuzzy ELECTRE-I method are evaluated using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach and the Revised Simos' method. For the ELECTRE family's criteria weight calculations, the Simos’ approach has been revised. Many researchers calculated the weight of the criteria in the selection of the NTM process using the AHP approach. Problems with both physical and intangible properties can be solved using the m-polar fuzzy ELECTRE-I approach. Additionally, it has the ability to solve MCDM issues with more variables. The improved Simos' technique is used in this work because it incorporates user choices for the criteria, or user voting for the criterion. Using expert assistance, the AHP technique prioritizes the criterion based on pair-by-pair comparisons of the criteria. The AHP approach makes compromises between the criteria. The ultimate selection of the process based on the needed aim is affected by both tangible and intangible features in the NTM selection dilemma. The impact of criteria weight techniques on the choice of the NTM process is examined using a single dimensional sensitivity analysis. AHP approach is proven to be less stable for criteria weight variation than the improved Simos' weight calculation method. The updated Simos' method, which takes into account user preferences, performs better for the m-polar fuzzy ELECTRE-I algorithm than the AHP weight calculation method.
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