Stock Market Performance Evaluation of Listed Food and Beverage Companies in Istanbul Stock Exchange with MCDM Methods
Stock market performance, Financial ratios, DEMATEL, CRITIC, EDAS, TOPSIS, WASPASAbstract
The analysis of the stock market performance ratios is crucial for investors and fund managers. The food and beverage industry in Turkey is the largest sector in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). It contributes over half of the country’s GDP and is a highly attractive sector. This study aims to rank the top food and beverage companies based on their stock market performance ratios. The criteria weights were determined by using DEMATEL and CRITIC methods, with the help of three experts for DEMATEL. The stock market performances of the companies were evaluated by using three MCDM methods; EDAS, WASPAS, and TOPSIS, with the weights obtained from both DEMATEL and CRITIC. The robustness of the results was tested by applying various combinations of weighting and evaluation methods. According to the DEMATEL, earnings per share had the highest weight while CRITIC found the market value to book value ratio as the most important criterion. The study concluded that the best-ranked companies are CCOLA and TBORG. Also, there is no significant stability in other companies’ rankings. To reveal which methods produced similar rankings, Spearman’s Rank Correlation analysis was conducted: while WASPAS combinations produced similar rankings, all EDAS and TOPSIS combinations gave similar findings.
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